About SportLink

What We Do

Photo of a playbook's page symbolizing SportLink's strategies in improving sport and physical activity in Greater Sudbury We have several strategies in place to reach our goal of developing Greater Sudbury’s sporting community, alongside our local sport organizations and partnered community organizations.  Visit our Playbook to view these strategies. We also offer educational opportunities to the community suitable for all individuals involved in sports.  Read about our Training Camp here. Finally, a main component within SportLink’s mandate is Sport Tourism.  Visit our Sport Tourism page to see all the resources and services we can offer.

How We Do It

In all of our endeavors we strive to keep in check with our Mission, our Vision, and our Goals & Objectives:


SportLink’s vision is to establish Sudbury as a premier sporting destination for events and athletes, while developing a strong local sport community with the capacity to serve the City of Greater Sudbury.


It is SportLink’s mission to utilize sport as a means for community and economic development by advocating communication and cooperation within our community, facilitating events, leadership and educational opportunities.


  • Promote Sport in the City of Greater Sudbury
  • Improve Communication and Cooperation
  • Provide a unified voice for the development and utilization of facilities
  • Create Economic Development Opportunities
  • Provide Information on funding for Sport Organizations and Events
  • Provide Opportunities for specialized Training Common to All Sports, Volunteers and Others
  • Foster a physically literate community through intersectoral collaboration